I, Terry, receive you, Sarah, to be my cherished wife, a precious gift from God. I promise to walk beside you, in days of adversity, and in days of great happiness, to provide a shoulder to cry on and a heart that understands. I promise to give myself to you as Christ gave himself to the church. I pledge to you my help, my support, my leadership, my love, and my prayers. I will be the spiritual leader of our home and I pledge to remain faithfully yours to have and to hold you from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.
I, Sarah, receive you, Terry, to be my cherished husband, a precious gift from God. I promise to walk beside you, in days of adversity, and in days of great happiness, to support your aspirations, pray with you in your trials, share your burdens, and labor with you to make our marriage a joy. I look to you as the leader of our home and I submit joyfully to your leadership. I will live close to the Lord, so you may trust me at all times. I pledge to remain faithfully yours to have and to hold you from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.
My beautiful bride has kept her vows and so much more. She's been a counselor, a dear friend, comforter, companion, playmate, and lover. She is what I look forward to coming home to. You truly are a gift from God!
Sarah Elizabeth Moore, we've had an adventurous first year and I hope God gives us so many more together. Happy anniversary my love!
Congrats from the Officiant!
We are very proud of you both, and the choices you have made.........
Congradulation's for the 1st of many
sent with LOVE from the Blue Ridge Mountains
Dad and Momma Moore
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