- Paul and Diane drove us to the airport Tuesday afternoon.
- Frodo took to flying like a champ, although the fact that we gave him some children's benadryl helped.
- We arrived in Virginia on Tuesday night.
Greg and Katie picked us up. We goofed off with the Wii, talked, and watched Frodo chase their cats.
- Wednesday morning Katie and Greg took us to IHOP to meet up with two of Sarah's college friends (Lynsey and Kristy).
- Then Katie took us to the Outer Banks, N.C. after IHOP but we made two important stops on the way: picked up a gift for Gwyneth's baby shower and Sonic!
- We then went to lunch at Mama Qwan's with Andy, Misha, Ty, Gail, Katie, and Brenda. It was really good!
- One of my formed youth, Caroline, dropped by with some friends to have lunch at Mama Qwan's and she spotted me. So we were able to talk a little bit.
- Later that night was the baby shower for Gwyneth, which Sarah went to. Us guys went over to Ramon's home and enjoyed some conversation, Wii, and some really good nachos.
- Thursday we relaxed a lot. I took Sarah to lunch at Lafagota's; a local Mexican restaurant that Sarah LOVES!
- Thursday night we had plans with the Williams family, a former youth family. They had spread the word I was coming and had other there as well. In all it was 14 people not including Sarah and I, which was a really cool way to get to spend time with everyone. We had BBQ which I have been craving!! It was wonderful to see everyone! Catching up was awesome!
- Today (Friday) has been pretty laid back. One of my formed youth, Anthony, picked me up for lunch. We went to a newly opened restaurant The Slice. We caught up with all that's been happening and are hoping to be able to spend more time together before Sarah and I head back to Florida.
- In just a little while we're getting together with the family for a family photo session and then dinner. Sarah has spent probably 2+ hours on getting ready. I know girls take a lot more time but I think my wife takes even longer than most (she disagrees of course).
Love Song: Where Are They Now?
1 year ago
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