Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Elders & Deacons, Part 3

View the updated and more complete version here and the downloadable take-home version here.

In closing up this studying on Elders and Deacons let's look at one last important part concerning elders, what exactly does scripture say they're supposed to do? What does scripture say concerning how the church is should treat the elders?

Duties, Responsibilities, and Cautions of Elders
  1. Those who are living in unrepentant sin within the church let the elders publicly rebuke them in the presence of the church. (1 Timothy 5:20-21; this goes along with Matthew 18)
  2. Elders should not be quick to appoint any person to ministry. (1 Timothy 5:22,24-25)
  3. Elders must realize they are caring for God's flock, not their own. (1 Peter 5:2)
  4. They are to lead out of eagerness to serve, not out of obligation. (1 Peter 5:2)
  5. Elders are concerned for what they can give, not for what they can get. (1 Peter 5:2)
  6. They lead by example, not force. (1 Peter 5: 3)
  7. Elder are to mediate great (not little) debates. (Acts 15:2)
  8. They are to guard themselves and all of the church members. (Acts 20:28)
  9. They are managers of the church. (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 5:17)
  10. Elders are to care and tend to the physical and spiritual needs of people. (Acts 20:28; James 5:14)
Treatment and Caring for Elders
  1. Pay your elders well, a high wage. (1 Timothy 5:17-18)
  2. Don't give attention to accusations brought up against elders unless it's been brought up by 2 or more. (1 Timothy 5:19; this goes along with Matthew 18)
  3. Young men don't be prideful and think you know better than the elders. (1 Peter 5:5)
Also see Elders & Deacons (Part 1) or Elders & Deacons (Part 2).

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