Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blessed Be The Tie That. . .Divides?

Most Christians would agree that evangelism is important, worship is important, growing in faith is important, baptism is important, and missions is important.  But I'm amazed at how Christians perceive these so differently.
  1. Some believe evangelism isn't something they're supposed to do.
  2. Some believe evangelism is bringing a person to church.
  3. Some boast sharing their faith with strangers and many accepting Christ, yet you can't find those people in church today.
  4. Some believe repentance and sin have nothing to do with the Gospel.
  5. Some believe worship is what you do on Sunday morning.
  6. Some believe worship is the act of singing.
  7. Some believe worship is an opening act to the main event (the "preaching").
  8. Some don't understand what it means to be lead into worship.
  9. Some are baby Christians and they're comfortable with that.
  10. Some find challenge and/or change offensive.
  11. Some believe their intuition/instincts are more important than discovering what God has to say on the subject.
  12. Some think they've learned enough and are unwilling to reconsider their position.
  13. Some believe the congregation is supposed to have a say in everything the church does.
  14. Some (or most) don't know what Biblical leadership is supposed to look like.
  15. Some don't see the church as God's family.
  16. Some don't know they're supposed to be following (or they refuse).
  17. Some believe giving to missions is a one time love offering.
  18. Some believe missions is something you have to leave your state to do.
  19. Some want their church to reach everyone but refuse to allow anything culturally relevant in the church.

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