Today was awesome! Very tiring, but awesome!
At the 2:15 FCA, the one I run, we had a lot of students! I didn't stop to get a head count, but we easily had 20 plus. The chex-mix and gatorade was gone in a matter of seconds! I definitely will have to bring a lot more next time.
Not too bad for our 3rd meeting. The word is spreading and so far we've been growing rather fast.
The coolest part was I asked whoever was interested in doing ministry at Vero Beach High to stick around after the meeting and five students were interested. Next week I'll begin talking with these few, in detail, about the future of FCA at Vero Beach High.
I'm excited!
It was awesome to see the excitement on John-Peter's (the teacher), Holly's (softball coach), and Steve's (JV softball coach) face over the past three weeks and God's been blessing the desire to minister on this campus.
If next week sees the same kind of numerical growth then we'll need a new location to meet. We've already been told we could use the gym. That's something we might be considering soon.
Just sharing my excitement!!!